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        Temperature indicating (wax) sheet

        Temperature indicating (wax) sheet

        SW series temperature indicator is widely used in the bus connection of substation to monitor whether the bus contact is good or not. It is an indispensable protection to ensure the safe operation of substation....

        Properties and application

        SW series temperature indicator is widely used in the bus connection of substation to monitor whether the bus contact is good or not. It is an indispensable protection to ensure the safe operation of substation.

        In order to ensure the safe operation of substation busbar, it is necessary to know the temperature rising situation. The temperature indicator can be used to supplement the deficiency of general thermometer. In the inspection, it is found that the temperature of busbar is too high in time, and the abnormal state of busbar should be dealt with immediately (such as overhaul or reduction of excessive load, etc.). Measures to prevent accidents.

        The temperature indicator can also be used on the terminal of the equipment connected with the bus bar and the electric equipment, on the contact of the disconnector switch, on the electrical equipment such as transformer, motor, capacitor, and on the non-electric equipment such as bearing, shaft sleeve, etc., to measure its temperature and monitor its safe operation.

        Type and type

        ModelRated temperaturecolourerrorPacking
        SW—5555℃Lemonadeerror ±1℃200Film / box
        SW—6060℃yellowerror ±1℃
        SW—7070℃greenerror ±1℃
        SW—8080℃rederror ±1℃
        SW—9090℃Soy sauceerror ±1℃
        SW—100100℃blueerror ±1℃

        Characteristics of temperature indicating film

        1. the accuracy is high, the error of the melting temperature and the rated temperature is 1.

        2. Good safety, can be far from the bus (or electrical equipment) in the case of melting temperature indicator.

        3. easy to use, as long as the thermograph is pasted on the bus and electrical equipment, the temperature can be monitored.

        4. intuition, whether the temperature indicating sheet is melted on the bus and electrical equipment is clear at a glance.


        (1) Adhesives (such as thick enamel, 502 glue, etc.) are used to adhere to the lower part or side of the bus-bar junction where the temperature of the bus-bar junction exceeds the rated temperature of the thermograph due to excessive contact resistance and other reasons, and the temperature indicator is immediately self-contained. The lines melt and fall off, indicating a warning.

        (2) If you want to know the gradual rise of bus temperature, you can also paste more than two pieces of different rated temperature indicator.

        (3) matters needing attention: sticky temperature sheets must be carried out without electricity on the bus bar and must comply with safety regulations.

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